EnQuotaModule » Cronologia » Versione 7
Simone Piccardi, 22-12-2010 19:11
1 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | h1. Module quota |
2 | 1 | Amministratore Truelite | |
3 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | This is a simple wrapper for the @quotactl@ system call, allowing getting and setting _quota_ directly from _Python_ (no need to call an external program and parse its output). |
4 | 4 | Amministratore Truelite | |
5 | It's still extremely primordial, providing limited functionality and working only with Linux quota version 2. It has been tested on Debian Etch and Lenny. As my first attempt to write a module it is also very far from elegance (and no pythonic at all). |
6 | 1 | Amministratore Truelite | |
7 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | h2. Installation |
8 | 4 | Amministratore Truelite | |
9 | To install the module you need the following steps (provided you have standard development tools installed): |
10 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | |
11 | 1 | Amministratore Truelite | <pre> |
12 | 4 | Amministratore Truelite | svn co https://labs.truelite.it/svn/cyrcus/quotamodule |
13 | 1 | Amministratore Truelite | cd quotamodule/ |
14 | python setup.py build |
15 | </pre> |
16 | |||
17 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | then you can copy the @quota.so@ module (look inside the created build directory) to its destination (if you want to just check it with @python@ you can use your current working directory). |
18 | 4 | Amministratore Truelite | |
19 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | h2. Use |
20 | 1 | Amministratore Truelite | |
21 | The module provides the following functions (interface is preliminar, it will be probably changed in future releases): |
22 | |||
23 | 6 | Simone Piccardi | |_.Function |_.Arguments |_.Description| |
24 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | |@get_user_quota@|@uid@ (integer), @device@ (string)| get user quota| |
25 | |@get_group_quota@|@gid@ (integer), @device@ (string)| get group quota| |
26 | |@set_user_block_quota@|@uid@ (integer), @device@ (string), @(soft,hard)@ *tuple of two int | set block user quota| |
27 | |@set_user_inode_quota@|@uid@ (integer), @device@ (string), @(soft,hard)@ *tuple of two int | set inode user quota| |
28 | |@set_group_block_quota@|@gid@ (integer), @device@ (string), @(soft,hard)@ *tuple of two int | set block group quota| |
29 | |@set_group_inode_quota@|@gid@ (integer), @device@ (string), @(soft,hard)@ *tuple of two int | set inode group quota| |
30 | 4 | Amministratore Truelite | |
31 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | User or group can be only specified by numeric ID (uid or gid). The device string must be the device pathname for the filesystem on which we want to operate. |
32 | 1 | Amministratore Truelite | |
33 | When setting quotas they must be provided as a tuple of two integer values (first for soft limit, second for hard limit). They will be applied to inode/block, user/group according to the chosen function. |
34 | |||
35 | Reading quota will give back a tuple of two dictionaries. First dictionary is for block quota data, second for inode quota data. Both dictionaries will have the same string keys according to the following table: |
36 | 4 | Amministratore Truelite | |
37 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | |_.Key|_.Desctiption| |
38 | 7 | Simone Piccardi | |used| integer with the actual usage of the resource (blocks or inodes number)| |
39 | |quota| a two integers tuple with the current value of the quota (soft limit, hard limit) | |
40 | |grace| an integer with the @time_t@ value of the grace expiration (if active)| |
41 | 1 | Amministratore Truelite | |
42 | 4 | Amministratore Truelite | |
43 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | h2. Error handling |
44 | 4 | Amministratore Truelite | |
45 | 5 | Simone Piccardi | All error in calling the @quotactl@ function will raise an @OSError@ exception passing the error value in @errno@. |