


En » Cronologia » Versione 5

Versione 4 (Simone Piccardi, 22-12-2010 17:37) → Versione 5/6 (Simone Piccardi, 22-12-2010 17:38)

h1. Documentation 

 The documentation that you find here was developed by Truelite Srl. Most of it is in Italian, but some HOWTO's have been translated in english, when we thinked they were valuable enough to make the effort. The following is the index of the tranlated documentation 

 h2. .h2 Sysadmin  

 * Network Services  
   * [[EnPostfixAdminInst Mailserver with Postfixadmin and Dovecot]] 
   * [[EnQuotaModule A quota module for phyton]]